General Terms and Conditions of Use

1 – Preamble

The use of the services of Rhillane Marketing Digital, registered in the Register of Companies under number 123945-Tangier and located at N° 113, Technopark, Avenue Mohammed V, Tangier 90000, is subject to the present General Terms and Conditions of Use (GTCU).

2 – Services offered

Rhillane Digital Marketing offers a range of digital marketing services, including but not limited to : Marketing Strategy, Website Design, SEO, Copywriting, Graphic Design, Social Media Management, Advertising (Google Ads, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat), E-mailing, Lead Generation, Reputation Management, Conversion Rate Optimisation, Training and Consulting.

3 – Terms and conditions of access

Access to our services is subject to a charge. Rates and details of services are provided on request or are available on our website.

4 – Privacy policy

Rhillane Digital Marketing is committed to protecting personal data in accordance with Law 09-08. More details are available in our privacy policy.

5 – Limitation of responsibility may contain links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these sites.

6 – Resiliation policy

Clients may terminate their contracts in accordance with the terms specified in the contract signed with Rhillane Marketing Digital. Charges may apply depending on the services already rendered.

7 – Refund policy

Refunds are granted according to the terms specified in the individual contract signed with the client.

8 – Copyright

All content created by Rhillane Digital Marketing on behalf of the client remains the property of Rhillane Digital Marketing until paid for in full. After that, the clients holds the rights, unless otherwise agreed.

9 – Sanctions

Any breach of these GCU may result in immediate termination of services and/or financial penalties, as specified in the contract signed with the clients.

10 – Modifications

Rhillane Marketing Digital reserves the right to modify these GCU at any time. It is the responsibility of users to consult them regularly.

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